In the morning, we minimised the number of exercises to provide the students with a break after the long workshop on Wednesday. We started with a feedback round to debrief from the previous day and answered any remaining questions from the Fridge. After that, we watched videos and discussed storytelling, words, and ethics in communication.
During the afternoon session, we focused on a design fiction exercise based on Watizat activities. This group work involved analysing what France's future could look like in 2030 and how this could affect Watizat's activities. The results were added to the report received by Watizat.
<aside> <img src="/icons/meeting_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/meeting_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> The Fridge
The fridge is a designated area on a wall where students can write their questions at any time during the week. Sometimes, questions are out of scope in the discussion, or teachers simply don't have an immediate answer. The fridge allows us to move forward while ensuring that every question will receive an answer in due time.
Afterwards, we watched several videos related to migration in the Mediterranean region, and began discussions about storytelling, word choice, and ethical communication.
<aside> <img src="/icons/push-pin_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/push-pin_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> Disclaimer: the last four videos may contain triggering images or narratives, ranging from search and rescue operations to life threatening situations such as drowning.
During the discussion, we asked questions such as:
To help facilitate the conversation, students were given tools such as a chart from "The Impact Field Guide & Toolkit" to help them understand how filmmakers can take a stance in their storytelling.
“The Impact Field Guide & Toolkit”, 2019, The Doc Society